Tuesday 6 November 2012

Short Table Tennis?

Tonight we brought out the table tennis bats and set the cubs up for a game.
After a few attempts we felt that the level of bounce was beyond our ability so we invented Short Table Tennis. This replaces the normal ball with a normal tennis ball sized foam ball. This makes the game much slower. By adding an element of volley ball (any number of bounces on each side) we began to get some rallies.

While we were inventing this game, the other cubs were playing table air football.This involves 2 teams, straws, and a table tennis ball.
We finished off the evening with a rousing game of Total wipeout followed by the 60 second game.

We obviously got their heart rates up tonight as no one hit the times as accurately as normal.

Remember the Armistice Parade this Sunday at 1015 at the Scout Hall. Full Uniform please.

Also no Cubs next week (13 Nov) as too many cubs will be at Parents night at school