Monday, 16 November 2009

Scout Ski Trip 2010

When : Wednesday 10th – Sunday 14th February 2010

Scouts will need 2 days off the school the Friday is a holiday anyway (the following w/e holiday is too expensive!!)

We can provide a letter from the scout group to the school to explain if requested.

Where: Kandersteg Scout Centre in Switzerland (google KISC) via Italy (Milan –Bergamo).

How: Ryanair from Prestwick – 11.45 Wednesday (back Sunday 11.40) train from Bergamo to Kandersteg.

Uniform: Shall be required to and from the event

Activity: The activities shall be weather dependant – skiing/snowboarding etc will depend on the conditions.

Feeding: Self-catering and hostel meals in the Chalet.

Kit List: Similar to a normal scout trip i.e. no special gear. It’s not a fashion parade!!!. Full kit list to follow, passports will be necessary for each scout as well as travel insurance (£17.00 via Ryanair?)

Cost: Flights Inc Tax £106.00
Food /Accom                        £90.00
Transport in Italy/Switz          £40.00 (train)
Activities                                £60.00
Less contribution from funds £100.00
                                            £200.00 Charge per scout

The scouts through bag packing over the last few years have raised scout funds and it only seems fair that the scouts get the benefit.

It looks like we will have 4 adults on the trip, Colin/Iain/Shirley T/Kerry.

We can have a parents meeting for those attending within the next 3 weeks. Please let me know if there is a night that will not suit you for a meeting. Please confirm if you agree your son can attend by completing the form below and return by next Monday 23rd Nov latest.

I confirm can attend the above and I shall pay the £200, prior to 7th February 2010.



We shall need to know by next Monday 23rd November 2009 at scouts so that we can book the “cheap flights” from Ryanair. Any questions please call colin 01292 317365.