We had the Cub pack out for our annual portion of the Smuggler's Trail hike this evening. Normally we would do this walk in May or June but circumstances prevented us from doing it before the summer break.
The walk is not a difficult one - we only do the final 3.5 km from Collennan cottage, up past the old reservoir, though Dundonald Wood, ending at Dundonald Castle.
The main difference this time was the level of light. In May there is a god stretch in the evenings, but that's not quite the same in September. However, with torches and glow sticks we headed off.
The recent rain had left some puddles on the path, but luckily the weather stayed good. Nice and dry and not particularly cold.
I think the excitement of walking in the dark and using a torch to see the path focussed the Cubs's attention on the task at hand, but in reality it wasn't that dark, except towards the end. The photos do look darker that it was.
Earlier than expected, we arrived at Dundonald Castle where the Cubs relaxed in the playpark while we waited for the parent to come collect.