We started with setting up the new sixes. Once the 2 oldest go up to scouts (tonight was their last night with us) we will have 10 in the pack so 2 sixes of 5 (if that makes sense).
Then it was a new game. 2 teams, 6 tennis balls, 4 chairs, 2 sponge balls. A cub kneels on the first chair and uses their tennis balls to try and knock the sponge ball off the other chair. They get to use their 3 balls and once they're done they replace the balls. First team to 5 wins.
After that it was off to the committee room for a spot of code breaking. We gave them a simple replacement code and had them decode a message.
Once they understood how it worked we talked about how codes can be used. We then had them encode a message. We then talked about how simple or hard a code would be. The then had to decode a message when they didn't know the cypher.

As it was pancake night we then broke for pancakes and juice.
We ended the night with badge awards. Most received their local knowledge badge. Most of the work for this was done as part of the Olympic camp, but additional tasks we done as part of Burns night.
Two new cubs were invested, along with Akela's burnt grass tradition.
In this tradition Akela takes a bunch of dried grass and lights it.
While it smoulders he has each cub being invested smell the burnt grass. He then tells them that what they smell is burnt grass and that every time from now on when they smell burnt grass they will remember their cub investure.