Tuesday, 29 January 2013

10 Pin Bowling

We had a great night bowling at the Garage in Kilmarnock.
With the leaders, we had 24 bowling which made a nice split of 4 teams.
With some excellent scores also.
After we all bowled our 10 frames we went into the adjoining Wimpy for a burger and some chips.
Fantastic fun for everyone.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Burns Night

We had our Burns Night tonight.
All the games were adjusted to commemorate the Bard.
We started out with the "Tam O'Shanter Terror race" which was a variation of Cub Tails followed by the "Gigantic Haggis Chase" which would normally be called Mice and Elephants tag.
We then had an alternative Burns supper. Not thinking the cubs would want haggis, neeps and tatties we had made up a sweeter version using chocolate rice krispies, vanilla ice cream and orange jelly. It went down quite well.
We then played "Escape from the Excise Man" This involves getting the team across a river to escape form the tax man, with only a single man boat and a length of rope.
We finished off with "Bucket Burns Ball"
Great night!

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

10 Pin Bowling Night

The Beavers and Cubs will be having  a 10 Pin Bowling Night on Tuesday 29th January. We have booked The Garage, Grange Street, Kilmarnock as the venue.

We would ask you to make your own way there and back.

Start time is 6:30pm and we should finish by 8.30pm.

Food and drink will be provided. There will be no charge.

If you have any transport problems, please contact:-
David (Cub Leader) 0753 030 7957
Dermot (Cub Leader) 0776 969 8225
Gillian (Beaver Leader) 0744 797 7738

New Year

Tonight was the first night back after new year and it started with 2 Beavers being welcomed into the Cub Pack.

In addition to the normal games we had a 'Thought Shower' where we had the Cubs suggest games and events for the coming session. There were some interesting ideas, some plausible, some adaptable  but I don't think we'll be bringing the pack to Spain any time soon.

We issued  a reminder to those Cubs that haven't returned their Christmas homework for the Fitness Badge that it has to be submitted soon or they won't get the badge.

Permission slips went home for our Bowling trip with the Beavers on 29 Jan. These need to be signed and returned by 22 Jan.