Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Bush Tucker Trial

We had our Bush Tucker Trial tonight to finish off the session before Easter.

After each challenge the losers or sometimes the winners were sent off to the dungeon to sample some exotic fare.
We had spider soup (rice pudding with raisins), frogspawn (tapioca pudding), jellied snake (gummy worm in jelly), curl grub in chocolate (chocolate covered raisins), dingo meat (chicken), kangaroo poo (wheatabix made up with chocolate milk) and a few other similar delicacies. It was an incredible example of mind over matter as very few manged to actually eat any of it, even after we explained what it really was.
Strange enough, they all ate the hot dogs even the ones who claimed they were vegetarians.
Since it was the first good night we were able to get outside for a bit and after a few games and setting off Chinese lanterns it was back inside for the winners announcement.
One cub who actually didn't manage to eat any more than anyone else, but who did show great courage in trying it all first was awarded the bush tucker prize and carried on Scout shoulders around the room.

Monday, 26 March 2012

Thank You

Just a Big Thank You to all the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Mums, Dads, brothers, sisters and cousins who gave up part of their Saturday to participate in the bag packing at Morrisons in Troon on Saturday the 17th.

It was very refreshing to see so many people out helping make the day successful. It was also very reassuring to see how well behaved and responsible we conducted ourselves while 'guests' of Morrisons.

We choose bag packing as a fund-raising activity as it is a service, not charity, its out in the community, and because its very efficient. In total, we raised over £1500, the equivalent of £50 per person packing.

A primary use of this funding is to cover the cost of the training our leaders have to undergo. As a group we have been very lucky to recruit four new leaders in the past year. In addition to the continual development and re-assessments all leaders have to undertake, our new leaders have an extensive programme of training to undergo to ensure that the young people in our care are correctly challenged, stimulated and kept safe. The leaders already volunteer so much of their time already, asking them to pay for this training would be a step too far.

Both the young people and the leaders get so much out of Scouting and this fund-raising helps ensure the group can continue.
Thank you so much for your support.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Bag Packing Success

Just a Big Thank You to all the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Mums, Dads, brothers, sisters, cousins and leaders who gave up part of their Saturday to participate in the bag packing at Morrisons in Troon yesterday.
I think we should all be pleased with the way we behaved and with the polite way we treated the customers.


Tuesday, 6 March 2012

BAG Packing – Morrison’s, Troon - Sat 17th March 2012

31st Ayrshire (Loans)

Dear Parent,
BAG Packing – Morrison’s, Troon 
Sat 17th March 2012 
We have managed to get a day’s bag packing at Morrison’s Troon on Saturday 17th March. This is an ideal way of raising funds for the Group. 

While the Scouts and Explorers can carry out the work themselves the Beavers and Cubs will need to be assisted by an adult or older sibling (or is it the other way around?) . Uniforms will be required to be worn by all and kneckies will be provided for those adults and siblings helping on the day.

As this is our primary fund raising event of the year we do expect that all Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers are represented on the day.

In order to raise the maximum from the day we need to cover as many check-outs as we can. To help ensure this please indicate your preferred time slot and return to the section leader or Dermot with a contact number no later than 10 March so that the rota can be distributed w/c 11 March. Email to 31stAyrshire@gmail.com would be the easiest option.

Time slots are:
09.00 – 11.00
11.00 – 13.00
13.00 – 15.00
15.00 – 17.00
other ??
 As I am sure you will appreciate we try and minimise the fund raising we have to do and if you can support us this shall hopefully avoid any further fund raising for the year or we shall need to raise the subs substantially!!

Very many thanks,
Dermot McGinnis
0776 969 8225