Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Cub Investitures

Some of our new Cubs making their promise.
At the start of the session Akela and I were concerned about the numbers.
When Dave received his 5 Year Service Award we were down to only 4 cubs, though there were Beavers due to come up. Beavers did come up but then we lost 2 boys when they moved out of the district.
Luckily the "Bring a Friend" night and the Hoots Owls managed to bring in some new members so the Cub pack is now at 11.
We had the first of this year's investitures tonight for the promoted Beavers and 1 new recruit.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Armistice Parade

This year’s Armistice Parade will take place on Sunday 13th November.
Our short service of Remembrance will be conducted in the Scout Hall, Loans. We should all gather there at 10.15am for the service starting at 10.30am.
The collection, as usual, will be sent to the Earl Haig Fund.
Cubs and Scouts will, thereafter, march to the Memorial at the Village Cross to lay our wreath at 11.00am, with Beavers and parents walking along to join us there.
We normally have an excellent turnout for this event and would hope to see you all again this year.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Bonfire Night

We have organised our annual bonfire and fire works display for Sat 5th November. We hope you and your family and friends shall come along and support us.

We shall light the fire at 6.30pm and set the fire works off at 7.15pm.

We shall provide a B B Q with hot and cold drinks for all.

PS – any donations of home baking/cakes would be very welcome – if these could be dropped off at the hall on the Saturday afternoon that would be appreciated.

Friday, 23 September 2011

Hooting with the Owls

The Beavers and Cubs had a great night on Tuesday 20th September during an interactive session with 6 Owls from Hoots Owls in Ayrshire who came to the Hall for the evening. They had a Q&A session, a quiz and then each Beaver and Cub had a chance to hold and touch an owl of their choice and have their photo taken individually with it.

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Dave's 5 Year's Service

We had a pleasant surprise tonight.
Eric Johns was waiting for us when the Cub session began.
Once the cubs were settled he presented to Dave his 5 Years Service award and badge.

Congratulations to Dave and here's to the next 5 years.

Monday, 22 August 2011

Scout Ski Trip 2012

When : Wednesday 8th – Sunday 12th February 2012
 Scouts will need 2 days off the school the Friday is a holiday anyway (the following w/e holiday is too expensive!!)
 We can provide a letter from the scout group to the school to explain if requested.

Where: Kandersteg Scout Centre in Switzerland (google KISC) via Geneva

How: Easyjet from Edinburgh – 12.15 Wednesday back Sunday Jet2.com 13.55 to Glasgow train from Geneva to Kandersteg.

Uniform: Shall be required to and from the event

Activity: The activities shall be weather dependant – skiing/snowboarding etc will depend on the conditions.

Feeding: Self-catering and hostel meals in the Chalet.

Kit List: Similar to a normal scout trip i.e. no special gear.
It’s not a fashion parade!!!. Full kit list to follow, 

Passports will be necessary for each scout as well as travel insurance (£14.00 via Scout Ins?)

Flights Inc Tax£150.00
Transport in Switz£60.00 (train)
Less contribution from funds£100.00
£260.00 Charge per scout

It looks like we will have 7 adults on the trip, Colin/Iain/Shirley T/Kerry/Phil/Gill/Jean.

We can have a parents meeting for those attending within the next 3 weeks. Please let me know if there is a night that will not suit you for a meeting.